Saturday, February 20, 2010

Light Hand Numbness Random Hand And Face Numbness Random Hand And Face Numbness?

Random hand and face numbness? - light hand numbness random hand and face numbness

Ok its done, because I had the flu 3-4 weeks is my hand numb from my on my right, small parts of me that I face, and sometimes headaches / dizziness with pain in my left shoulder and elbow, I know it sounds a bit like a heart attack in his sound I've never been to the emergency room, as I do with the flu, said it was just nothing to ibuprofen or Tylenol and Ull fine blah, blah, blah, by a long way since a week and saw , ENT and blown ear drum and the pain had vanished with numbness, go comes and goes and comes around one hours of deafness, the night when I try to sleep tonight in gunna Elävät and me in a blanket, and another tylonal pls help me with my problem might take to get my panic attacks in the context sometimes, when I be thinRemember K Breathe hard on something and forgotten about, numbness Gois away when I take a shower and relax, but back in an hour if you have any suggestions, I thank you and you are in the 16


Moonface said...

Hello, I'm sorry to hear that you feel bad. It could be related to a panic attack (though I would check with a doctor and see). I have some easy tips to get rid of your panic attacks:

1. Breathe properly - if your breathing, control of panic under control. As soon as you notice signs of anxiety, check your breathing: Breathe in slowly through your nose pushing your tummy, the number (of 5 or less). Breathe slowly and a little more (for the count of 7 or less) orally. No fast breathing or shallow (chest). This will soon restore the balance between oxygen and you feel much better.

2. Cognitive behavior therapy! CBT is as effective for panic attacks, anxiety, depression, agoraphobia, etc. It is provenneeds a little work, but it is very effective. (After 15 years, panic attacks, I had completely). You can take an online course free ... It was funded by the NHS Scotland and so far has had good results.

3. Try relaxation exercise tapes (progressive muscular relaxation). It really helps if you practice often enough. This page has instructions on how to do (without the tape and useful): ...

I really, really recommend CBT. He totally changed my life. Hope you feel better soon. Best of luck.

Renee S said...

Your symptoms seem very worrying enough explosive to win. Is this a different mattress, and taking Tylenol 1 hour before bedtime, and it still seems that you do not feel, I suggest you try a rheumatologist or other doctor. Continue to support the higher responses.

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