Sunday, January 24, 2010

Pictures Of How An Ulcer Looks Corneal Ulcer?

Corneal ulcer? - pictures of how an ulcer looks

Is there anyone out there no pictures of the healing of a corneal ulcer in a cat? He has been twice to the vet ... We return on Tuesday .... I think that the ulcer is getting smaller and smaller .... I want to compare something .... I do not want to be surprised when I see the vet when I say that is bad news is that the eye must go ..... Anyone have experiance with it? Photo's? The advice and sympathy? I love my cat to death ..... and that all they seem to think ... I feel so bad for the eyes, which is not all that caressing and kissing, when at home in the ... I feel bad and then chase the other cat to compensate for the excessive attention that his brother lol


milo2020... said...

No photos, but I am afraid that my cat had a corneal ulcer resulted from several months to ensure that your eyes close, because of ever-swelling. This is treated cured with a combination of drops and completely, but left a scar on the cornea, opacification seemed very serious and inequality.

milo2020... said...

No photos, but I am afraid that my cat had a corneal ulcer resulted from several months to ensure that your eyes close, because of ever-swelling. This is treated cured with a combination of drops and completely, but left a scar on the cornea, opacification seemed very serious and inequality.

BlueXJ said...

As already mentioned, you can use the Google-fu to find images. You just wait and see, many cats live a normal life after this kind of life boil. You can leave a clear eye, but is the cat that adjusted. Cats are very resilient.
In the clinic where I work, we see one or two per month, so it is not unusual. Your veterinarian can detail, but the Google images are accompanied by numerous articles.
Good luck to you and your cats.

Corella said...

GOOGLE corneal ulcer cat. There are hundreds of pictures there.
I am sorry for your kitten. Why sue the other down? lol
Just sit on your lap just when the love of God and contact with the eyes of the poor no more - instead of. Let's cure it, and I think of you and hope that it heals.
If not, that's not the worst thing in the world, you know. So, in the eyes of pus. So what? He lives and that is all, but what counts. Change your name on Popeye and hold, to love him. You can still, after all the others. You know what? If the worst you can tell your friends about it have a cat who is so jealous to her Eyed keep an eye on the competition.
Good luck. Kisses for the Cat, an eye or two does not matter, I kiss her anyway.

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