Thursday, January 14, 2010

Australian Defence Force Ulcerative Colitis I Have A Bowel Disease, Can I Still Join The Australian Defence Force?

I have a bowel disease, can i still join the Australian Defence Force? - australian defence force ulcerative colitis

I am 19 and have a bowel disease called ulcerative colitis. It is completely under control, I had no symptoms for more than 2 years. My gut function, and any other person. However, take 4 tablets daily. Does this mean that I can not join the army? Does anyone know anyone in the Army with an intestinal disease?


MishMash said...

Ulcerative colitis is an autoimmune disease, stress and poor. This work / lifestyle, new home, thinking far away from family and friends, possibly in another country - things.

It would be best to ask directly in the Australian Army, incognito of course.

PS - I know you said it was "fully under control", but it follows an "anti-inflammatory diet"? If you are interested, I can read you something.

MishMash said...

Ulcerative colitis is an autoimmune disease, stress and poor. This work / lifestyle, new home, thinking far away from family and friends, possibly in another country - things.

It would be best to ask directly in the Australian Army, incognito of course.

PS - I know you said it was "fully under control", but it follows an "anti-inflammatory diet"? If you are interested, I can read you something.

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